•Maret, 3, 2010 • Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar



M Jeri Imansyah (


Hutan hujan dataran rendah Sumatra merupakan habitat yang kaya akan keragaman biologinya, sekaligus juga merupakan habitat yang sangat terancam di muka bumi ini. Dari sekitar 16 juta hektar hutan Sumatra pada tahun 1900, kini hanya tersisa 500,000 ha saja. Harapan Rainforest, merupakan serpihan hutan hujan tropis di Sumatra yang tersisa, meliputi kawasan seluas 98.555 ha hutan di perbatasan provinsi Jambi dan Sumatra Selatan baik yang masih utuh maupun yang telah mengalami pembalakan. Sekitar 36% dari kawasan ini merupakan hutan dengan tipe hutan sekunder tinggi, 15%  hutan sekunder sedang, 41% merupakan hutan sekunder rendah, dan 8% adalah lahan terbuka. Saat ini kawasan Hutan Harapan Harapan Rainforest dalam pengelolaan Unit Majemen Harapan Rainforest untuk kegiatan restorasi ekosistem dengan tujuan mengembalikan kepada keadaan menjadi seperti semula.

Survey amfibi dan reptil di Harapan Rainforest dilakukan setiap bulan sepanjang tahun 2009, kecuali bulan Juli hingga September menggunakan tiga metode survey yang biasa digunakan, yaitu  pencarian secara acak (opportunistic searching), metode transek (1.4 km) dan plot (20 m X 20 m). Sebelumnya Mistar (2003) menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey-Night Stream, penulusuran transek sepanjang 1.5 km dan pencarian secara acak.

Dengan menggabungkan hasil survey pada tahun 2003 dan 2009, tercatat  29 jenis amfibi dan 45 jenis reptiledi Harapan Rainforest, termasuk 5 jenis Amfibi dan 15 jenis reptile yang baru tercatat (Tabel 1). Jenis amfibi yang paling sering dijumpai adalah Fejerfarya cancricova, Fejerfarya limnocharis, Hylarana nicobariensis, dan Racophorus appendiculatus. Sedangkan jenis reptil yang paling umum dijumpai adalah Gecko smithii, Mabuya multifasciata dan Varanus salvator. Selain itu, di daerah camp utama Harapan Rainforest hingga daerah BPDAS banyak dijumpai (Naja sumatrana, Ophiophagus hannah, dan Pyton reticulates.

Dari keseluruhan jenis-jenis amfibi dan reptil tersebut berdasarkan kategori keterancampunahan menurut IUCN terdapat empat jenis amfibi yang dikategorikan Mendekati Terancam Punah (Near Threatened), yaitu Pelophrine signata, Limnonectes blythii, Limnonectes malesiana, dan Occidozyga baluensis, dan satu jenis reptile yang dikategorikan Terancam Punah (Endangered), yaitu Heosemis spinosa (Tabel 1). Enam jenis reptil juga termasuk dalam Appendix II CITES, yaitu Pyton reticulatus, Ophiophagus Hannah, Heosemys spinosa, Varanus dumerili, dan Varanus salvator (Tabel 1) . Sedangkan untuk amfibi tidak terdapat satu jenis pun yang masuk appendix CITES. Dari sisi perlindungan hukum berdasar PP no 7 tahun 1999, tidak satu jenis pun baik amfibi maupun  reptile yang terdapat di dalam kawasan Harapan Rainforest terdaftar dalam lampiran PP tersebut.

Ancaman terhadap jenis-jenis reptile dan amfibi di dalam kawasan Harapan Rainforest adalah masih terjadinya aktivitias illegal logging dalam skala kecil di sepanjang sungai Kapas dan SPAS, ancaman ini terutama terjadi saat musim hujan berlangsung. Meski terjadi secara sporadis dan kecil-kecilan, namun karena sensitifitas amfibi dan reptile terhadap perubahan sekecil apapun terhadap lingkungan, hal ini dapat menjadi ancaman serius bagi konservasi amfibi dan reptil di Harapan Rainforest. Selama survey tidak ditemukan adanya tanda-tanda pemanenan jenis-jenis amfibi dan reptile.

Daftar Jenis Amfibi

Phrynoidis  asper

Ingerophrynus divergens

Ingerophrynus  quadriporcatus

Duttaphrynus melanostictus

Ingerophrynus parvus

Pelophryne signata

Kalophrynus pleurostigma

Microhyla palmipes

Kaloula baleata

Fejervarya cancrivora

Fejervarya limnocharis

Limnonectes blythii

Limnonectes malesiana

Occidozyga baluensis

Occidozyga sumatrana

Occidozyga laevis

Hylarana chalconota

Hylarana erythraea

Hylarana glandulosa

Odorana hosii

Hylarana nicobariensis

Hylarana picturata

Hylarana signata

Hylarana siberu

Hylarana baramica

Polypedates colletii

Polypedates leucomystax

Polypedates macrotis

Rachoporus appendiculatus

Daftar Jenis Reptil

Pyton reticulatus

Cylindrophis ruffus

Achrochordus javanicus

Naja Sumatrana

Ophiophagus hannah

Xenochrophis trianguligera

Xenodermus javanicus

Olygodon dorsalis

Oligodon signatus

Psammodynastes pictus

Lycodon subcintus

Chryopelea ornata

Dryophiops rubescence

Ahaetulla mycterizans

Ahaetulla prasina

Dendrelaphis caudolineatus

Dendrelaphis striatus

Sibynophis melanochephalus

Boiga jaspidea

Boiga dendrophila

Maticora bivirgata

Macrophistodon rhodomelas

Hemiydactylus frenatus

Cyrtodactylus quadrilineatus

Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus

Cyrtodactylus lateralis

Gecko smithi

Takydromus sexlineatus

Mabuya multifasciata

Mabuya macularia

Lygosoma bowringii

Lipinia vitigera

Spenomorphus stellatus

Gonocephalus chamaleontinus

Gonocephalus sumatranus

Bronchocela cristatella

Aphaniotus fuscus

Draco melanopogon

Draco volans

Heosemys spinosa

Heosemys grandis

Cyclemis dentata

Typhlops sp

Varanus dumerili

Varanus salvator

Phrynoidis  asper

Ingerophrynus divergens

Ingerophrynus  quadriporcatus

Duttaphrynus melanostictus

Ingerophrynus parvus

Pelophryne signata

Kalophrynus pleurostigma

Microhyla palmipes

Kaloula baleata

Fejervarya cancrivora

Fejervarya limnocharis

Limnonectes blythii

Limnonectes malesiana

Occidozyga baluensis

Occidozyga sumatrana

Occidozyga laevis

Hylarana chalconota

Hylarana erythraea

Hylarana glandulosa

Odorana hosii

Hylarana nicobariensis

Hylarana picturata

Hylarana signata

Hylarana siberu

Hylarana baramica

Polypedates colletii

Polypedates leucomystax

Polypedates macrotis

Rachoporus appendiculatus

Laporan Singkat Hasil survey populasi biawak Komodo dan Populasi mangsa Komodo di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul Juni – Juli 2009

•Agustus, 4, 2009 • Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar

Laporan Singkat Hasil survey populasi biawak Komodo dan Populasi mangsa Komodo di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul Juni – Juli 2009
Survey populasi biawak komodo dan mangsanya di dalam Kawasan Cagar Alam Wae Wuul Flores Barat telah dilakukan sejak tanggal 22 Juni hingga 19 Juli 2009. Metode lapangan yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan perkiraan populasi Biawak Komodo di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul adalah dengan menangkap menandai melepas dan menangkap kembali (Capture Mark Release Recapture). Metode ini dilakukan dengan menempatkan 26 perangkap yang disebar merata di dalam kawasan Cagar Alam Wae Wuul, setelah tertangkap, Biawak Komodo akan diukur dan ditandai, setelah itu, Biawak Komodo yang sudah ditandai akan dilepas kembali. Sementara itu, untuk mendapatkan nilai kepadatan mangsa Biawak Komodo (terutama Rusa), metode lapangan yang digunakan adalah metode penghitungan kotoran (pellet group) dalam setiap 30 titik/plot berdiameter 2 meter yang terletak di setiap 10 meter pada garis transek sepanjang 30 meter, dengan jumlah total garis transek sebanyak 40. Selain itu, untuk mendapatkan perkiraan nilai populasi mangsa Biawak Komodo, dilakukan juga penghitungan langsung dengan menggunakan metode jarak sepanjang garis transek.
Selama 22 hari survey populasi Biawak Komodo, diperoleh 17 ekor Biawak Komodo yang tertangkap, ditandai dan dilepas kembali. Dari 17 ekor Biawak Komodo yang tertangkap, hampir sebagian besar berukuran di bawah 4 Kg, dengan hanya satu ekor berukuran yang paling besar yaitu 19 Kg. Selama survey tidak pernah terlihat Biawak Komodo yang mempunyai ukuran lebih dari 20 Kg. Sementara itu, jumlah penghitungan kotoran rusa pada plot sepanjang garis transek yang berjumlah 40, menunjukan nilai yang sangat kecil (rata-rata dibawah 1 grup pelet pertransek), nilai rendah juga didapat dengan menggunakan metode penghitungan langsung sepanjang garis transek, yaitu hanya terdapat lima perjumpaan.
Berdasarkan data lapangan yang belum lama diperoleh, Populasi Biawak Komodo di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul berada dalam kondisi yang rentan untuk punah, selain terdapat penurunan yang signifikan sejak survey yang dilakukan tahun 1991, 2000 dan tahun lalu (Nopember 2008), tidak terdapatnya ukuran dewasa akan mengkhawatirkan untuk rekrutmen individu baru dalam populasi. Rendahnya ukuran populasi di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul juga berkaitan dengan rendahnya jumlah Rusa yang merupakan mangsa utama Biawak Komodo. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka diperlukan usaha-usaha untuk pengelolaan habitat agar populasi Komodo dan Rusa kembali meningkat. selain itu usaha-usaha pengamanan juga perlu dilakukan beriringan dengan usaha pengelolaan habitat untuk mencegah terjadinya ancaman yang mengganggu proses ekologis dalam kawasan Cagar Alam Wae Wuul, seperti pencegahan kebakaran hutan.

Populasi Komodo di Wae Wuul menurun drastis

•Agustus, 4, 2009 • Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar

Kegiatan survey populasi biawak Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) dan mangsanya yang dilaksanakan oleh Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Nusa Tenggara Timur (Balai Besar KSDA NTT) bekerjasama dengan Komodo Survival Program (KSP) di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, antara 22 Juni hingga 19 Juli 2009, sebagai implementasi naskah Perjanjian Kerjasama antara BALAI BESAR KSDA NTT NTT dan KSP tentang Penelitian dan Pemantauan Populasi Biawak Komodo dan Keanekaragaman Hayati Beserta Habitatnya di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur yang ditandatangani pada tanggal 3 Maret 2008, dengan ini kami menyampaikan laporan sementara sebagai informasi mengenai keadaan terkini populasi biawak Komodo di CA Wae Wuul.
Dari hasil survey menggunakan metode penangkapan dan penandaan selama 22 hari dengan menggunakan 26 titik perangkap dan pencarian secara aktif meliputi kawasan seluas 14.484 ha (14.8 km2), hanya 17 individu yang terpantau di CA Wae Wuul. Sementara survey populasi mangsa utama biawak Komodo yang diukur menggunakan metode transek plot menunjukkan indeks kepadatan populasi Rusa Timor (Cervus timorensis) sebesar 0.48/transect.
Survey yang dilakukan pada tahun 1991 oleh PHKA menemukan 66 Komodo di Wae wuul dan area sekitarnya, sedangkan survey pada tahun 2000 oleh Ciofi dan De Boer bersama dengan Balai Besar KSDA NTT II, hanya 19 Komodo saja yang tertangkap, dengan kepadatan populasi 10 kali lebih rendah dibandingkan yang tertangkap di Taman Nasional Komodo. Pada survey yang dilakukan oleh BALAI BESAR KSDA NTT NTT dan KSP tahun 2008, hanya 10 kali perjumpaan saja 6 titik penempatan umpan gantung dari 16 lokasi tempat pengumpanan di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul. Sedangkan survey pada 2009 hanya 17 individu yang tertangkap. Indeks kepadatan Rusa Timor pada tahun 2008 tercatat 0.48/transek sedangkan pada survey tahun 2009 diperoleh nilai kepadatan dibawah 1/km2, menunjukkan adanya penurunan kepadatan populasi mangsa.
Berdasarkan hasil survey tersebut diatas, sangat jelas bahwa populasi biawak Komodo di Wae Wuul sangat terancam. Faktanya, populasi Komodo disana telah mengalami penurunan yang signifikan dalam kurun waktu 18 tahun. Kondisi ini diperparah oleh rendahnya kepadatan Rusa Timor sebagai mangsa biawak Komodo dan tingginya tekanan aktivitas manusia seperti perburuan Rusa dan pembakaran padang rumput di sekitar dan di dalam kawasan.
Berdasar fakta tersebut, sehubungan dengan izin penangkapan biawak Komodo yang Bapak keluarkan melalui SK.384/Menhut-II/2009 tanggal 13 Mei 2009 tentang izin penangkapan 10 ekor biawak Komodo dari habitat aslinya di CA Wae Wuul, yang secara administratif termasuk kedalam wilayah Desa Macan Tanggar dan Desa Warloka, Kecamatan Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, dengan ini kami menyarankan agar Bapak dapat mempertimbangkan pembatalan SK.384/Menhut-II/2009. Penangkapan 10 individu biawak Komodo di CA Wae Wuul akan sangat mempengaruhi keberadaan populasi tersebut. Kami khawatir penangkapan tersebut akan menyebabkan kepunahan biawak Komodo di Flores, khususnya di CA Wae Wuul yang mewakili keragaman genetik terpisah dari Taman Nasional Komodo.
Hingga saat ini, berbagai Kebun binatang di Indonesia telah bekerja dengan baik dalam membiakkan Komodo di penangkaran dan menurut pusat penelitian biologi LIPI, Komodo asal flores terdapat di tiga kebun binatang di Jawa: Ragunan (44 ekor), Gembira Loka (26 ekor), Surabaya (11 ekor). Alternatif yang mungkin dilakukan oleh kebun binatang Indonesia (dan luar negeri) yang lain untuk menambah jumlah koleksi Komodo adalah dengan mengandalkan Komodo yang ada dari kebun binatang – kebun binatang di Indonesia yang telah berhasil membiakkan Komodo. Populasi Komodo dalam penangkaran ini cukup mewakili secara genetis dan merupakan sumber yang baik untuk program penangkaran Komodo.
Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan rencana perlindungan khusus untuk populasi Komodo yang tersisa di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul. EAZA akan melanjutkan membantu menyediakan dana untuk kegiatan perlindungan komodo yang dilaksanakan oleh Balai Besar KSDA NTT dan KSP.

Resiko ancaman kepunahan biawak Komodo di CA Wae Wuul

•Juli, 26, 2009 • Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar

Resiko ancaman kepunahan biawak Komodo di CA Wae Wuul

Pada populasi kecil, dibawah 200 individu (Lande et al 2000), seperti halnya biawak Komodo di Flores – termasuk CA Wae Wuul, resiko kepunahan menjadi sangat tinggi (Purvis et al, 2000) karena :

  1. Pada populasi kecil potensi untuk berkembang biak sangat rendah akibat sedikitnya dan terpencarnya individu yang dapat bereproduksi. Pada populasi biawak Komodo di CA Wae Wuul, potensi untuk terjadinya perkawinan sangatlah rendah akibat terpencarnya individu-individu (lihat peta sebaran komodo di Wae Wuul).
  2. Pada populasi kecil yang memiliki masa “life history” lambat (usia matang seksual untuk kawin dan  masa mengerami telur yang lama) memiliki tingkat kepunahan tinggi karena resiko kematian lebih tinggi dari pada potensi rekrutmen. Biawak Komodo diketahui memiliki pola life history yang lambat, di mana usia matang seksualnya pada usia 5 tahun dan mereka bertelur tidak setiap tahun. Selain itu di Wae Wuul hingga saat ini tidak ditemukan lokasi yang berpotensi digunakan untuk bersarang.
  3. Populasi kecil yang berada pada puncak rantai makanan, seperti halnya biawak Komodo, sangat rentan terhadap gangguan yang terjadi pada mangsanya. Berdasar survey KSP pada 2008 dan 2009, Mangsa biawak Komodo di CA Wae Wuul, khususnya rusa,  sangatlah rendah (grafik) dibandingkan dengan kondisi mangsa di TN Komodo di mana populasi biawak Komodo di sana relative lebih aman.
  4. Populasi kecil pada jenis-jenis yang memiliki wilayah jelajah sangat luas memiliki resiko kepunahan sangat tinggi karena dampak gangguan yang terjadi di dalam wilayah jelajahnya, seperti kehilangan dan gangguan habitat, perburuan, serta kompetisi dengan jenis lain, akan sangat berpengaruh. Biawak Komodo dewasa diketahui memilki luasan wilayah jelajah 2.78-5.4 km2, sementara di wilayah sekitar CA Wae Wuul sangat rawan terjadi kebakaran hutan, padang rumput, konversi habitat, perburuan rusa, bahkan tindakan manusia yang menganggap biawak Komodo sebagai ancaman baginya, yang secara langsung sangat berpengaruh terhadap tingginya resiko kepunahan biasak Komodo di CA Wae Wuul.

Terlepas dari argument di atas, hingga saat ini populasi biawak Komodo di Flores termasuk di CA Wae Wuul belum mendapat perhatian yang cukup baik dari sisi kajian ilmiah maupun dari sisi pengelolaan (monitoring berkala, pengamanan, atau pembinaan habitat), sehingga masih diperlukan kajian lebih mendalam untuk dapat menentukan layak tidaknya pengambilan individu dari populasi ini. Kami menyarankan adanya rencana pemantauan dan perlindungan khusus untuk populasi Komodo yang tersisa di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul.

baby sun bear

•Juni, 29, 2009 • Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar

Harapan Rainforest blog – 8th June 2009

I have just returned from this month’s mammal surveys in the western part of Harapan Rainforest. A team of 12 staff from the Research and Conservation team walked over 60km of forest transects, recording any mammal signs found along the route. Mammal species are identified using signs, such as paw prints, faeces, claw marks on the trees and mammal feeding signs and this information is then used to build up a picture of their distribution in the site. During one of these transects we heard a loud rustling in the undergrowth and saw a large adult Malayan Sun Bear running off into the forest. Shortly after a young cub came sliding down the tree directly in front of us, allowing us beautiful views of this stunning animal. Normally a solitary species, two sun bears are only usually seen together when an adult female is with her offspring and a cub will usually stay with its mother for up to two and a half years. The Malayan Sun Bear is the smallest of the world’s bear species. Once widespread throughout Asia, they are now patchily distributed across their former range due to the large scale removal of their forest habitat and poaching for the wildlife trade. Harapan Rainforest provides an important protected area for this threatened species and has recently received funding from the Bear Conservation Fund of the International Association of Bear Research and Management to assess the population size of this species within the site and to look at their preferences for different habitat types.

Jeri Imansyah, Harapan Rainforest Biodiversity Officer
more information can be obtained from

CV M Jeri Imansyah, updated August 2009

•Mei, 12, 2009 • 2 Komentar


M Jeri Imansyah

Born: Sukabumi, 21 February 1977

Address: Jl Karamat no 82, Sukabumi 43122, West Java, Indonesia

Mobile phone: +62 8563903967, E-mail:

Professional experience

Dec 2008 – Present, Harapan Rainforest, Jambi, Indonesia

Biodiversity Officer

Responsibilities include: biodiversity surveys of a wide range of species within Harapan Rainforest (HRF) concession, Sumatra, including mammals (e.g. tigers, sun bears, elephants), birds, and reptiles and amphibians using various methods, such as occupancy surveys, line transects and camera traps; training staff of HRF and assisting the project’s Forestry Division in developing methods on habitat assessments, phenology and forest restoration; and developing research networks with relevant key partners. My position also requires compiling reports, translation, and database and equipment management.

Mar 2007 – Dec. 2008, Komodo Survival Program, Denpasar, Indonesia

Program Coordinator

Responsibilities included designing and implementing activities, developing monitoring protocols for Komodo Dragon and terrestrial wildlife, developing proposals and budgets of related activities, managing government and stakeholder relationships, and overseeing the operational / managerial aspects of the programs.

June 2002 – July 2007, Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Species, San Diego, USA      

Research Officer / Assistant to Project Leader

Responsibilities included assisting the project leader in organizing and conducting programs for field research on the Komodo Dragon and other terrestrial wildlife including mammals and birds in the Komodo National Park, Indonesia. The position required involvement in capacity building and education, report compilation and translation, database and equipment management, as well as liaising with other governmental, NGO, and broadcaster institutions. In the absence of Project Leader, I was also in charge of the operational/managerial aspects of the project.

Nov. 2001 – May 2002, Komodo International Research Center, Denpasar, Indonesia

Research Fellow / Assistant to Project Leader

Responsibilities included organizing and conducting activities for field research on Komodo Dragon hatchlings in Komodo National Park, Indonesia, and report writing.


Nov 2003 – Dec 2006, Master of Science (MSc) in Zoology / Biological Conservation by thesis (GPA 3.54)

  • School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia.
  • Thesis titled “Spatial Ecology of Hatchling and Juvenile Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) in the Komodo National Park, Indonesia”.
  • Full scholarship & research grants (USD 18,225) provided by the ZSSD and AZA.

Aug 1995 – Nov 2001, Bachelor of Science (SSi) in Biology by thesis

  • Department of Biology, Udayana University, Indonesia.
  • Undergraduate thesis titled “Daily Movement and Activity of Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) in the Bali Barat National Park” (in Bahasa Indonesia).

Professional Development

  • Komodo Dragon Internship                                                                                                                                           May 2006

Melbourne Zoo, Australia

  • GIS and its application for Nature Resource Management                                                                     Feb 2003

BIOTROP Training and Information Center, Bogor, Indonesia

  • Bat Research and Conservation Training                                                                                                May 2003

Malaysian Bat Conservation & Research Unit and Earthwatch Institute Australia

Additional information

  • Mark-Recapture: estimating population, annual movement patterns, and annual growth of Komodo dragons in Komodo National Park – CAPTURE.
  • Radiotelemetry and GPS collar: describing patterns in movement, home ranges, and habitat use of Komodo dragons in Komodo National Park – ArcView 3.2 (ESRI), Animal Movement Program (Hooge et al., 1997), Fractal (Nams, 2004).
  • Transect plots: estimating density indices of Timor deer and Water Buffalo in Komodo National Park – SPSS.
  • Parallel transects: monitoring nesting activity of Komodo Dragon, Yellow crested Cockatoo and Orange-footed Scrub Fowl in Komodo National Park.
  • Vantage points: monitoring population and status of Yellow crested Cockatoo in the Komodo National Park.
  • Distance method: estimating density of Timor deer and Water Buffalo in Komodo National Park.

Research and Conservation Grants

  • American Zoo Association                                                                                                                                                      2008

Grant (USD 14,000) for research and conservation project on Komodo Dragon in Komodo National Park

  • European Aquarium and Zoological Association                                                                                               2007

Grant (Euro 22,000) for research and conservation project on Komodo Dragon in Wae Wuul Nature Reserve, Flores, Indonesia

  • American Zoo Association                                                                                                                                                      2005

Research grant (USD 3,225) to conduct research on spatial ecology of immature Komodo Dragon in the Komodo National Park

  • Oriental Bird Club, England                                                                                                                                  2005


Dr. Tim S. Jessop

–    Research Fellow (Honorary), Dept. of Zoology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.

–    Contact: ph +61 3 92859387, 92859300, fax +61 3 92859350, email

Dr. John A Phillips

–    Deputy Director, Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Species, ZSSD, USA.

–    Contact: ph +1 61 92311515, email

Dr. David C Lee

–    Head of Research and Conservation Division, Harapan Rainforest, Indonesia

–    Contact: ph +62 815 11607352, email

Publications and Reports

Jessop, T.J, Forsyth, D.M., Imansyah, J., Purwandana, D. and Seno, A. (in prep.). Use of faecal counts to assess distribution and relative density of Macaques and Civets in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Submitted to Zoological Research.

Jessop, T.S., Ciofi, C., Imansyah, M.J., Forsyth, D. Madsen, T., Shine, R., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, Solomon Y. and Phillips, J.A. (in prep.). Identifying key process  influencing the ecology, evolution and conservation of the Komodo dragons.

Imansyah, M.J., Jessop, T.S., Sumner, J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A. and Seno, A. 2009. Distribution, seasonal use, and predation of incubation mounds of Orange-footed Scrubfowl on Komodo Island, Indonesia. Journal of Field Ornithology 80(2): 119-126

Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D. and Jessop T.S. 2008. First record on Flores hanging parrot Loriculus flosculus in Rinca Island, Komodo National Park. Forktail 24.

Jessop, T.J., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A. and Ovat, D.S. 2008. Incidence of Fish Hook Ingestion by Komodo dragons. Biawak 2(3): 121-123.

Jessop, T. and Imansyah, M. J. 2008. Varanus komodoensis parasites. Herpetological Review 39 (1): 96-97.

Imansyah, M.J, Jessop T.S., Ciofi, C. and Akbar, Z. 2008. Ontogenetic differences in the spatial ecology of immature Komodo Dragons. Journal of Zoology 274(2): 107-115.

Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Ciofi, C., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Arifiandy, A. and Phillips, J.A. 2007. Island differences in population size structure and catch per unit effort and their conservation implications for Komodo dragons. Biological Conservation 135: 247-255.

Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Jessop T.S., Ciofi, C., Akbar, Z., Ariefiandy, A. and Phillips., J.A (2007). Pergerakan dan wilayah aktivitas pada Biawak Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) di Pulau Komodo. Proceeding of National Seminar on Herpetology 2007. Bogor University of Agriculture. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

Jessop, T.S., Ciofi, C., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A. and Rudiharto, H. 2007. Biawak Komodo di pulau kecil lebih rentan. Warta Herpetofauna Vol I (1): 2-5, Agustus 2007. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

Imansyah, M.J. 2006. Spatial ecology of hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons in the Komodo National Park, Indonesia. MSc thesis. University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. 81 pp.

Imansyah, M.J., Anggoro, D.G., Yangpatra, N., Hidayat, A. and Benu, Y.J. 2005. Sebaran dan karakteristik pohon sarang kakatua jambul kuning (Cacatua sulphurea parvula) di Pulau Komodo, Taman Nasional Komodo. Report from the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 30 pp. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

Jessop, T.S., Forsyth, D.M., Purwandana, D., Imansyah, J., Opat, D.S. and McDonald-Madden, E. 2005. Monitoring the ungulate prey of Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) using faecal counts. Report from the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores, 26pp.

Jessop, T.S., Purwandana, D., Imansyah, M.J., Rudiharto, H. and Ciofi, C. 2005. Indirect evidence for prey limitating factor impacting the population of Komodo dragons on Gili Motang. Unpublished research report for the Zoological Society of London.

Jessop T.S., Sumner J., Rudiharto H., Purwandana D., Imansyah M.J. and Phillips, J.A. 2004. Distribution, use and selection of nest type by Komodo Dragons. Biological Conservation 117: 463 – 470.

Herpetofauna of Harapan Rainforest

•Mei, 12, 2009 • Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar

Reptiles and Amphibians of Harapan Rainforest


hm…. been a long time not updating this blog…. since i moved to Harapan rainforest ( in Jambi, Sumatra to work as Biodiversity Officer around December 2008. Iam working with many species now, including reptiles and amphibis, mammals, and birds. it is exciting as new experience, although not as exciting as  hunting komodos hehehehe…

anyway, up to day, i have recorded 8 reptiles and 2 amphibians, new to Harapan Rainforest just with opportunistic searching, although i undertook VES for few times. i believe this records will be increasing as more intens survey will be conducted soon.

here is the list of the reptiles and amfibians in harapan. species with (*) indicating new species for 2009 that i recorded.

Phrynoidis asper
Ingerophrynus divergens
Ingerophrynus quadriporcatus
Duttaphrynus melanostictus*
Ingerophrynus parvus*
Pelophryne signata
Kalophrynus pleurostigma
Microhyla palmipes
Fejervarya cancrivora
Fejervarya limnocharis
Limnonectes blythii
Limnonectes malesiana
Occidozyga baluensis
Occidozyga sumatrana
Hylarana chalconota
Hylarana erythraea
Hylarana glandulosa
Odorana hosii
Hylarana nicobariensis
Hylarana picturata
Hylarana signata
Hylarana siberu
Polypedates colletii
Polypedates leucomystax
Polypedates macrotis
Rachoporus appendiculatus
Pyton reticulatus
Cylindrophis ruffus
Achrochordus javanicus
Naja Sumatrana
Ophiophagus hannah
Xenochrophis trianguligera
Xenodermus javanicus
Olygodon dorsalis*
Psammodynastes pictus
Dryophiops rubescence*
Ahaetulla prasina
Dendrelaphis caudolineatus*
Dendrelaphis striatus
Boiga jaspidea
Boiga dendrophila
Maticora bivirgata
Hemiydactylus frenatus
Cyrtodactylus quadrilineatus
Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus
Cyrtodactylus lateralis
Gecko smithi
Takydromus sexlineatus
Mabuya multifasciata
Mabuya macularia*
Lygosoma bowringii*
Lipinia vitigera*
Spenomorphus stellatus
Gonocephalus chamaleontinus
Gonocephalus sumatranus
Bronchocela cristatella*
Aphaniotus fuscus
Draco melanopogon
Draco volans
Heosemys spinosa
Typhlops sp
Varanus dumerili
Varanus salvator

First records of Wallace’s Hanging-parrot Loriculus flosculus from Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

•Juni, 24, 2008 • Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar

First records of Wallace’s Hanging-parrot Loriculus flosculus

from Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.


A paper submitted to the Forktail

Wallace’s Hanging-parrot Loriculus flosculus is a small parrot endemic to Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, primarily in tropical semi-evergreen, and moist-deciduous rain forest (250–1,000 m), at the west and eastern parts of the island (BirdLife International 2003, 2004, Coates and Bishop 1997). This parrot is considered endangered because it has a small global range and probably a small population which is threatened by ongoing conversion of tropical forest habitats on Flores (BirdLife International 2003, 2004). Here we detail two independent records (in 2003 and 2006) extending its range westwards to Rinca Island, within Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Rinca Island (205 km2) is dominated by monsoon savanna (55% of land area), except in the south, which is predominantly covered by tropical dry deciduous forest. The elevation is 0–765 m. The island is separated from adjacent West Flores by a narrow strait only 400 m wide.

At 10h00 on 28 April 2003, in Loh Dasami valley (8°46¢19.9¢¢S 119°39¢15.6¢¢E; at about 10–20 m altitude), two green parrots were observed in flight below the canopy of coastal moist deciduous forest (Monk et al. 1997) area in the south of Rinca Island. The forest was dominated by Pterospermum javanicum (Sterculiaceae), a tree that can reach 25 m in height (Rudiharto 2006). The parrots were followed to a roosting tree. The birds were estimated to be c.10–12 cm in length and the predominant colour was bright green. They possessed a dark red nape, bright red rump, red uppertail-coverts, and bright red bills, confirming that these birds were Wallace’s Hanging-parrots. They were readily distinguished from the uniformly green plumage of the Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematoduis (race weberi, endemic to Flores Island; Coates and Bishop 1997). Furthermore, we noted differences in the plumage of the two birds, with one possessing a red spot at the throat, whilst the throat of the other was entirely pale green, similar to the rest of the ventral plumage. During these initial observations both birds produced a distinct strrt strrt call. These morphological and vocal characteristics are consistent with descriptions for adult male (red spot on throat) and female (red throat spot smaller or absent) Wallace’s Hanging-parrot (Butchart et al. 1996, Coates and Bishop 1997).

We made further observations on nesting activities of an adult male and a female on 12 April 2006 (09h00–10h00 and 12h00–13h00), at the same location. The nest was situated in a tree hollow (c.10 cm wide) in a dead branch c.15 m above ground in a Terminalia catappa (Combretaceae) tree. Male and female birds were observed alternating in nest activities, and when one of them was inside the nest hollow, the other bird was waiting outside. Each bird spent c.10–15 minutes in the hollow at a time. The nest was in close proximity to several large Ficus spp. (Moraceae) trees, a known food source of this parrot (although we did not observe the birds feeding on fruit).

The closest known part of Flores Hanging-parrot’s range to our observations is the western part of Flores island which includes the areas of Golo Bilas, Wae Bobok (Nggorang Bowosie, East of Labuan Bajo), Tanjung Kerita Mese, Puarlolo, and Paku (Mbeliling forest, South of Labuan Bajo, a proposed area for protected area gazettement) (BirdLife International, 2003, 2004) (Fig. 1). Our observations extend the western extremity of the species’ range by approximately 27 km and also indicate that this parrot can utilize suitable habitat close to sea level, contrasting with observations on Flores, where records have been above 250 m in generally wetter forest types (Coates and Bishop 1997, BirdLife International 2003, 2004). Our observations suggest that it would be valuable to survey a broader range of tropical forest habitats at key sites such as Mbeliling and Nggorang Bowosie on Flores for this species, and carry out a targeted survey for this species on Rinca. Monitoring and nest surveys by Komodo National Park staff would be valuable. Our record also increases the number of parrot species inhabiting Komodo National Park to two. The other parrot species (so far recorded) is the critically endangered Yellow-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea. Komodo National Park contains the largest remaining population of the race C. s. parvula (Coates & Bishop 1997, Birdlife International 2004, Imansyah et al. 2005).

Figure 1. Recent localities for Wallace’s Hanging-parrot on Flores and Rinca island. Inset showing map of Nusa Tenggara: the arrow indicates Komodo National Park.


We thank Achmad Ariefiandy, Ibrahim Payung and Devi S. Opat for their assistance during field work. Financial support was provided by a Millennium Post Doctoral Fellowship from the Zoological Society of San Diego (ZSSD) to TSJ. Approval for the research was granted under a MOU between ZSSD and The Nature Conservancy (Indonesia Program) and by the Indonesian Department of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA).


Agista, D. and Rubyanto, D. (2001). Preliminary study on the Yellow crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) in the Komodo National Park. Bogor, Indonesia: BirdLife Indonesia – PHPA. (In Indonesian)<!–[if supportFields]>tc “Agista, Dian; dan Dedy Rubyanto. 2001. Telaah awal status Kakatua-kecil Jambul-kuning (Cacatua sulphurea parvula) di Taman Nasional Komodo. BirdLife Indonesia – PHPA. Bogor.”<![endif]–><!–[if supportFields]><![endif]–>

BirdLife International (2003) Threatened Birds of Asia. Available from Accessed on 25 April 2007.

BirdLife International (2004) Threatened Birds of the World 2004. CD-ROM. Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife International.

Butchart, S. H. M., Brooks, T. M., Davies, C. W. N., Dharmaputra, G., Dutson, G. C. L., Lowen, J. C. and Sahu, H. (1996) The conservation status of forest birds on Flores and Sumbawa, Indonesia. Bird Conservation International 6: 335–370.

Coates, B. J. and Bishop, K. D. (1997) A guide to the birds of Wallacea. Alderley, Australia: Dove Publications.

Imansyah, M. J., Anggoro, D. G., Yangpatra, N., Hidayat, A. and Benu, Y. J. (2005) Distribution and characteristics of nesting tree of the Yellow crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) on Komodo island in the Komodo National Park. Report of the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy, Labuan Bajo, Flores. Available from Accessed on 25 April 2007. (In Indonesian)

Monk, K. A., De Fretes Y., Reksodihardjo-Lilley, G. (1997) The ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku. Singapore: Periplus Editions.

Rudiharto, H. (2006) Relationship between habitat characteristics and density of the Komodo monitor. Unpublished MSc Thesis, Gadjah Mada University,Yogyakarta.

M. Jeri Imansyah and Deni Purwandana, Center for Research of Endangered Species, the Zoological Society of San Diego, Escondido, CA, USA, and Komodo Survival Program, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, Email :

Tim S. Jessop, Center for Research of Endangered Species, the Zoological Society of San Diego, Escondido, CA, USA, and Dept. of Wildlife Conservation and Science, Zoos Victoria, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Daily activities of immature Komodo monitors Varanus komodoensis

•Juni, 18, 2008 • Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar

Daily activities of immature Komodo monitors Varanus komodoensis

M Jeri Imansyah


To assess patterns in daily activities Radiotelemetry was used to observe hatchlings and the juveniles. This study was conducted between March and June over 2 years (2004-2005). Telemetry equipment consisted of activity-sensitive AVM G31V transmitters (AVM Instruments Co. Ltd.), an AVM LA12Q receiver, and a three-element Yagi antenna. Transmitters were attached to the monitor’s tail base using duct tape (Imansyah et al., 2007). After the transmitters were attached, hatchlings and juveniles were released immediately. Each animal was radio-tracked for 7 – 56 days (mean 31.42 ± 5.05 days). Initial observations showed that radio-tracked Komodo monitors never moved during the night. To increase independency of the data, individual daily observations were conducted in four sessions; separated by a minimum daily time interval of 2-3 hours. Daily positions and habitat use observations were made from 6am to 6pm across 4 time periods of morning (0600-0900h), late morning (0900-1200h), afternoon (1200-1500h) and, late afternoon (1500-1800h).


Several differences were detected in daily activity patterns between hatchling and juvenile Komodo monitors. A significant difference was detected in daily activity patterns between hatchlings and juveniles. Both hatchling and juvenile Komodo monitors were tend to be less active (Chi Square χ2 = 21.26 p ≤ 0.001; T-test; t1,287 = -15.32, p ≤ 0.001 for hatchling and T-test; t1,305 = -12.35, p ≤ 0.001 for juvenile; Figure 1a), however, juveniles were more active than hatchlings (Chi Square χ2 = 28.51 p ≤ 0.001; Figure 1a).

There was a dial activity pattern displayed with two peaks of activity, first between 0900 and 1200 and the second between 1500 and 800. Hatchlings were more active in the afternoon (1500 – 1800) than juveniles were (0900 – 1200). However, juveniles also displayed their ability to be active at anytime during the day 0600 – 1800 after basking in the morning. Activity patterns were significantly differ among activity times in both hatchlings and juveniles (ANOVA F3,276 = 33.97, p ≤ 0.001 for hatchling and ANOVA F3,302 = 60.47, p ≤ 0.001 for juvenile, Figure 1b). The study reported that hatchlings mostly conducting travel between 0900 – 1200 and secondly between 15-18h but did not travel before 9h (Figure 1c). In contrary, juveniles were able to conduct traveling activity at any time even thought they were mostly conducted traveling between 9-12h (Figure 1c).

Mean daily air temperatures in Loh Liang was different among time of activities (ANOVA F3,2924 = 1624.56, p ≤ 0.001, Table 2). There was a significant correlation between daily activities and daily air temperatures (Pearson correlation test; r = 0.36, p = 0.04).


In general, both hatchlings and juveniles were less active during the study, they spent most of their diurnal periods for resting rather than for traveling or foraging and no activity were recorded during nocturnal periods. This activity pattern was similar to those reported in adult Komodo monitors by Sastrawan & Ciofi (2002). However, inactivity periods among hatchlings, juveniles and adult Komodo monitors were often followed by intense movement periods afterward (Imansyah et al., 2008; Sastrawan & Ciofi, 2002). Similar inactivity pattern was also reported in other Varanid like V gouldii and V panoptes (Christian et al., 1995) and other reptile species such as Broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Webb & Shine, 2001), Brown snake Pseunaja textilis (Whitaker & Shine, 2003).

A nonuniform pattern on activity distribution was reported from this study, however, both hatchlings and juveniles displayed bimodal peak of activity time in the late morning (0900 – 1200) and late afternoon (1500- 1800). Adult Komodo monitors were also reported to have bimodal activity time in the morning (0800 – 1000) and in the late afternoon (1600 – 1800) (Sastrawan & Ciofi, 2002). Unlike hatchlings, juveniles were displayed to have ability to be active at anytime during their diurnal activity period like those reported in adults (Sastrawan & Ciofi, 2002). However, Auffenberg (1981) reported that during rainy seasons, particularly between January and March, Komodo monitors activity were more concentrated to the warmest hours. Similar to Komodo monitors, Ibrahim (2002) reported that V. griseus daily peak of activity was in the late morning (0900-1000h) and ability to be active at anytime during the day. Another monitor, V. caudolineatus, was active during late morning and early afternoon and positively correlated with the highest temperature at that time (Thompson, 1993). In contrast, Amat et al. (2003) reported that immature Lacerta agilis lizard were displayed a unimodal activity pattern that occur in the morning. As reported by (Heatwole 1976), among immature life stages it is common to have different activity cycles.

Most of hatchlings activity is carried out on tree as they displayed arboreal characteristic during this age (Imansyah et al., 2008). Arboreal character in hatchlings was believed as a mechanism to avoid predator, cannibalism, and competition among conspecific, therefore this life stage performed the least active compared to other age class (Auufenberg, 1981; Sastrawan & Ciofi, 2002). Early post natal movement in lizard is often resulting in fidelity and important to to assess resource acquisition and success in reproduction (Rose, 1981; Sumner, 2006). Further, activity and movement in immature lizards are often associated with avoidance of predatory and resource competition with adults (Auffenberg, 1981; King & Green, 1999). Webb and Shine (1997) reported that specific thermal regimes driven species to select specific retreat sites.

This study also reported influence of environment temperatures to immature Komodo monitor’s daily activities. During the study, both hatchlings and juveniles were more active in the late morning and afternoon when the average temperatures were 29.58 and 29.57 °C consecutively. Climatic and physical characteristic of environment, play a great role in influencing activity patterns in reptiles which is tend to display their favorable in particular preferred range conditions (Rose, 1981). Pianka (1986) described that reptiles are highly dependence on particular suitable temperature condition and appropriate body temperature for their activity. Although not depend on particular temperature to initiate their activity, animals have discrete times of the day in which activity is concentrated and are relate to environmental factor, i.e. temperature (Heatwole, 1976). Most lizards are changing their activity patterns in synchrony with changes in environments (Porter et al. 1973). In Whiptail lizard Aspidoscelis inornata and A. gularis initiation of daily activity has been hypothesized to be dependent upon the achievement of some critical soil temperature for lizard emergence, while cessation of activity is hypothesized to be the direct result of increasing afternoon soil temperatures that may be thermally stressful (Winne & Keck, 2004). Activity in lizards was also influenced by the intensity of solar radiation that could be a limiting factor (Christian & Weavers, 1984).

CV M Jeri Imansyah

•Juni, 6, 2008 • 1 Komentar


M Jeri Imansyah

Address : Jl Sudirman IV,Gg Karya Bhakti II no 6,

Denpasar 80234, Bali, Indonesia

Mobile :+6281338531303, E-mail

Professional Objectives

To pursue a challenging professional career in natural resource conservation or a biological field within a progressive institution that allows me to develop ideas and expertise.

Qualification summary

Ø More than six year’s professional experiences in conservation projects including research, training, campaign, and managerial oversight.

Ø Capable to be responsible for the operational/managerial oversight of project, including designing proposal and budget, undertaking activities, also monitoring and post project evaluation.

Ø Possess a considerable diligence and strong work ethic to undertake varies and often arduous conservation, research / monitoring, and training activities.

Ø Possess remarkable ability in public relations in difficult political and administrative contexts.

Ø Capable to demonstrate technical capacity to grasp and comprehend various conservation and monitoring methodologies and associated experimental design with high proficiency.

Ø Capable to organized campaign, training, and meeting events.

Ø Capable to works very well both independently and as part of a team member.

Ø Proficient in operating MS Office (e.g Words, Excell, Power Point), SPSS, Sigma Plot, ESRI ArcView, Ecological Methodology (Krebbs 1999), Fractal (Nams, 2004).

Professional experiences

Mar 2007 – Present

Komodo Survival Program, Denpasar Indonesia

Program Coordinator

Ø Responsibilities including designing and implementing activities, developing monitoring protocols for Komodo dragon and terrestrial wildlife, developing proposal and budget of related activities, managing government and stakeholders relationship in term of initiating collaborative terrestrial monitoring program in Komodo National Park and Flores, also in charge for the operational / managerial for the program.

Jun 2002 – Jul 2007

Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Species, San Diego, USA

Research Officer / Assistant to Project Leader

Ø Responsibilities included assisting project leader in organizing and conducting programs for field research on the Komodo dragon and other terrestrial wildlife including mammals and birds. In addition, I was involved in capacity building & education, report compilation writing and translation, database and equipment management, as well as in charge as a liaison officer for CRES-ZSSD Komodo Project to undertake coordination activities with other governmental, NGO, and broadcaster institutions. In the absence of Project Leader, I was also in charge for the operational/managerial oversight of this project.

Nov 2001 – May 2002

Komodo International Research Center, Denpasar Indonesia

Research Fellow / Assistant to Project Leader

Ø Responsibilities included organizing and conducting activities for field research on hatchling of the Komodo Dragons in the Komodo National Park and report writing.

Education backgrounds

Nov 2003 – Dec 2006

Master of Science (MSc) in Zoology / Biological Conservation by thesis

Ø School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia

Ø Thesis title “Spatial Ecology of Hatchling and Juvenile Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) in the Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Ø Supervised by Prof. Dr. Zubaid Akbar (main supervisor, UKM) and Dr. Tim Jessop (co supervisor, CRES / Zoos Victoria) also reviewed by Dr Claudio Ciofi (Univ. of Florence of Italy), Dr. Joanna Sumner (Australian National University of Australia), examined by Dr. Shukor Md (UKM) and Dr (Perhilitan Malaysia)

Ø Full scholarship & research grants (USD 18,225) provided by the ZSSD and AZA

Aug 1995 – Jun 2001

Bachelor of Science (SSi) in Biology by thesis

Ø Department of Biology, Udayana University, Indonesia

Ø Undergraduate thesis title “Daily Movement and Activity of Bali Starling (Leucosar rothschildi) in the Bali Barat National Park

Ø Supervised by Sudaryanto, MS (Unud) and Ir IDPP Sastrawan, MAgrSc. (Unud)

Ø Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship 2000-2001

Aug 1999 – Aug 2000

Diploma 1 (D1) in English

Ø LDTEC, Faculty of Letter, Udayana University, Indonesia.

Professional Developments

Ø GIS and its application for Nature Resource Management Feb 2003

BIOTROP Training and Information Center, Bogor, Indonesia.

Ø Bat Research and Conservation Training May 2003

Malaysian Bat Conservation and Research Unit, Malaysia

Ø Protected Animal Treatment Management Jul 2000

Directorate General of PHKA, Indonesian Forestry Department, Bogor

Ø ZOPP Implementation for Project Development Aug 1999

GTZ and BirdLife Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia

Ø Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL A) (Third Best) Jul 1999

BAPEDAL and Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia

Ø Management for Non Profit Organization May 1999

BirdLife Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia

Ø Primate Behavior and Ecology Jul-Aug 1997

Primate Research Center; Bogor Agriculture Institute, Indonesia and University of Washington, USA

Ø Advance training on First aid and SAR Management May 1996

Indonesian Red Cross Society Bali chapter

Ø Basic Training on First aid and SAR Nov 1995

Indonesian Red Cross Society Bali chapter

Research highlights (2001-present)

Ø Komodo dragon broad scale ecology : population ecology, spatial ecology, annual prey density, annual reproduction, annual recruitment, annual movement

Ø Population and ecology of Yellow-crested Cockatoo in the Komodo National Park

Ø Bird conservation in Bali and Komodo National Park

Ø Raptor Migration in Bali and Komodo National Park

Highlighted Studentship Wildlife Conservation Activities (1997-2001)

Ø Parrot trade monitoring and anti trade campaign in Bali 2000

Ø Training on Wildlife trade monitoring 2000

Ø Initiative on Green Turtle preservation and trade prohibit regulation in Bali Province 1999-2000

Ø Investigation on Java Sparrow trade in Bali 1999

Ø Green turtle trade investigation in Bali 1998-1999

Ø Bali raptor watch 1996-2001

National and International Seminar / Workshops / Internships

Ø Contributor, BirdLife International (2008) Species factsheet (Yellow-crested

Cockatoo and Flores Hanging-parrot) Nov 2007

Ø Participant, International Forestry Parallel Events on UNFCCC Dec 2007

United Nation, Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia, CIFOR, Wetland International

Ø Oral presentation, International Seminar on Biology Sept 2007

Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Ø Oral presentation, National Seminar on Herpetology May 2007

Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Ø Internship, Komodo Project May 2006

Zoos Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Ø Visiting lecturer for Animal Behavior Class 2003; 2004; 2005

Department of Biology, Udayana University, Indonesia

Ø Volunteer, Bat Conservation and Research May 2003

Malaysian Bat Conservation and Research Unit

Ø Bali Starling preservation Jul 2001

Indonesian Ministry of Environmental

Student Supervision

Ø Marliana Chrismiawati, candidate for BSc in Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (on going) 2008

Ø Makhrabi Akbar, SSi (BSc in Biology), Dept of Biology, Udayana University Bali, Indonesia 2007

Ø Rachel Rarawoda, SSi (BSc in Biology), Dept of Biology, Duta Wacana Christian University Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2007

Broadcasting / Media Consultancies

Ø Consultant, Icon Prodcutions, UK May 2008

Ø Interviewee, Mainichi Newspapers Japan May 2008

Ø Consultant, National History of New Zealand Aug 2007

Ø Consultant, National Geographic USA (Flores Python and Komodo dragon Project) Jun, Jul 2007

Ø Interviewee, Metro TV Indonesia Sep 2006

Ø Consultant, NHK Japan Aug 2006

Ø Interviewee, Kompas Indonesia Jun 2005

Ø Interviewee, Metro TV Indonesia Apr 2005

Ø Consultant, Two Hands Production, UK Mar 2005

Ø Consultant, Tigress Production UK for Discovery Channel Feb 2005

Ø Interviewee, Radio BBC UK Jul 2004

Ø Liaison officer, National Geographic USA Oct 2003

Computer Applications

Ø Softwares : Office applications, ArcView, SPSS, Ecological Methodology (Krebbs, 1999), Fractal Dimension (Nams, 2004), Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshops, etc.

Ø Hardwares: Computer Networking (LAN)

Scholarship & Research Grants

Ø Zoological Society of San Diego 2003-2006

Full scholarship (including tuition fees, living allowance, and travel costs) to pursue Master of Science degree in National University of Malaysia

Ø American Zoo Association 2005

Research grant (USD 3,225) for research on spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragon in the Komodo National Park

Ø Oriental Bird Club, England 2005

Conservation Grant (GBP 500) for Survey on Yellow Crested Cockatoo in the Komodo National Park

Ø Government of Bali Province, Indonesia 2001

Research grant (IDR 7.000.000) for research on Bali Starling in Bali Barat National Park

Ø Udayana University 2000-2001

Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship (IDR 1.800.000)

Ø BirdLife Indonesia 2000

Research grant (IDR 4.000.000) fir parrot trade monitoring in Bali

Ø Yayasan Pribumi Alam Lestari

Research grant (IDR 2.000.000) for Java Sparrow trade investigation in Bali 1999

Professional Associations

Ø Member, the Center for North American Herpetology (CNAH) 2008 – present

Ø Member, International Varanid Interest Group 2007 – Present

Ø Member, Indonesian Ornithological Union (IdOU) 2005 – Present

Ø Advisory Board Member, Kokokan birdwatcher Association 2003 – Present

Ø Member, Raptor Indonesia Network (RAIN) 2002 – Present

Ø Member, Ekapaksi Alumni Volunteer for Indonesian Red Cross Society 2001 – Present

Ø Member, Earthwatch Institute Australia 2003 – 2004

Ø Coordinator, Kokokan birdwatcher Association 2000 – 2001

Ø Coordinator, NGOs Network for Bali Barat Conservation (JKBB) 1999 – 2001

Ø Representative of Kokokan for PANTAU (Wildlife trade monitoring network) 1999 – 2001

Ø Representative of HIMABIO UNUD as Member Member, Jaring PELA 1999 – 2001

Ø Member of Indonesian Wildlife trade monitoring networking (PANTAU) 1998 – 2001

Ø Chairperson, Student Association of Department Biology of Udayana University 1997 – 1998


Dr. Tim S. Jessop

- Ecologist, Department of Wildlife Conservation and Science, Zoos Victoria, Australia.

Research Fellow (Honorary), Dept. of Zoology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.

Contact: ph +61 3 92859387, 92859300, fax +61 3 92859350, email

Dr. Claudio Ciofi

Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Biology and Genetic, University of Florence, Italy.

Komodo dragon SSP Grant Review Panel.

Research Affiliate, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, USA.

Contact: ph +39 05 52288290, fax +39 05 52288289, email

Prof. Dr. Zubaid Akbar

Professor, School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Contact: ph +60 3 89213827, 89251081, email /

Ir. IDPP Putra Sastrawan, M.Agr.Sc

Senior lecturer, Dept. of Biology, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia.

Contact: mobile +62 813 37762988, email,.

Dr. John A Phillips

Deputy Director, Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Species, ZSSD, USA.

Contact: ph +1 61 92311515, email

Current Highlighted Reports, Publications, and Thesis, (published) 2003 – Jun 2008

1. Imansyah, M.J, Jessop T.S., Ciofi, C., Akbar, Z. 2008. Ontogenetic differences in the spatial ecology of immature Komodo Dragons. Journal of Zoology 274(2): 107-115.

2. Imansyah Jeri, Colin Trainor (2008) in BirdLife International Species factsheet: Loriculus flosculus.

3. Imansyah Jeri, Colin Trainor (2008) in BirdLife International (2008) Species factsheet: Cacatua sulphurea.

4. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Jessop T.S., Ciofi, C., Akbar, Z., Ariefiandy, A., Phillips., J.A. 2007. Pergerakan dan wilayah aktivitas pada Biawak Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) di Pulau Komodo. Proceeding of National Seminar on Herpetology 2007. Bogor University of Agriculture. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

5. Jessop, T.S., Ciofi, C., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, H. 2007. Biawak Komodo di pulau kecil lebih rentan. Warta Herpetofauna Vol I (1): 2-5, Agustus 2007. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

6. Imansyah, M.J. 2006. Spatial ecology of hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons in the Komodo National Park, Indonesia. MSc thesis. University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. 81 p.

7. Imansyah, M.J., Anggoro, D.G., Yangpatra, N., Hidayat, A., Benu, Y.J. 2005. Sebaran dan karakteristik pohon sarang kakatua jambul kuning (Cacatua sulphurea parvula) di Pulau Komodo, Taman Nasional Komodo. Report from the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 30 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

8. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Jessop, T.S., 2005. Laporan no 3 rekapitulasi hasil penelitian ekologi biawak komodo (Varanus komodoensis) di taman nasional komodo 2002 – 2004. Report from the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 15 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

9. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Jessop, T.S. 2003. Survei Potensi Hidupan Liar Terestrial di Pulau Komodo, Taman Nasional Komodo 2002. Report from the the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 23 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

10. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Jessop, T.S. 2002. Materi Kursus 1: Dasar-dasar Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Staff Taman Nasional Komodo. Report from the the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 13 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

11. Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Ciofi, C., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Arifiandy, A., Phillips, J.A. 2007. Island differences in population size structure and catch per unit effort and their conservation implications for Komodo dragons. Biological Conservation 135: 247-255.

12. Jessop, T.S, Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, H., Seno, A., Opat, D.S., Noviandi, T., Payung, I., Ciofi, C. 2007. Ekologi populasi, reproduksi, dan spasial biawak Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) di Taman Nasional Komodo. Edited by Imansyah, M.J., Ariefiandy, A., Purwandana, D. The Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 35 p. ISBN 978-979-15917-0-6. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

13. Jessop, T.S., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, H. 2007. Panduan pemantauan ekologi di Taman Nasional Komodo, Indonesia. The Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 62 p. ISBN 978-979-15917-1-3. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

14. Jessop, T.S., Forsyth, D.M., Purwandana, D., Imansyah, J., Opat, D.S., McDonald-Madden, E. 2005. Monitoring the ungulate prey of Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) using faecal counts. Report from the the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores, 26p.

15. Jessop T.S., Sumner J., Rudiharto H., Purwandana D., Imansyah M.J., Phillips, J.A. 2004. Distribution, use and selection of nest type by Komodo Dragons. Biological Conservation 117: 463 – 470.

Highlighted Publications in progress

1. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Jessop T.S. 2007. First record on Flores hanging parrot Loriculus flosculus in Rinca Island, Komodo National Park. Forktail, accepted in October 2007.

2. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Jessop T., Trainor, C. 2008. Current Population estimates and nest characters of the Yellow–crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) on Komodo Island, Lesser Sundas, Indonesia. Submitted to the Bird Conservation International. (Postponed to update data of 2008).

3. Jessop, T.J., Sumner, J., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Seno, A. 2007. Distribution, seasonal use, and predation of Orange-footed Scrubfowl incubation mounts on Komodo Island, Indonesia. Submitted to Journal of Field Ornithology, accepted in October 2007.

4. Schellekens, M., Trainor, C.R., Encalado, J.J.R., Imansyah, J. 2007. Status of the Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula bicolor and Pink-necked Green Pigeon Treron vernans on Flores. Submitted to Kukila in March 2007.